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Prevue Culture Assessment FAQ

Got questions about the Prevue Culture Assessment? We got answers!


Q: What is the Culture Assessment?
A: Prevue’s Culture Assessment is a tool designed to evaluate the alignment between a candidate’s desired values in an organization and your organization’s actual cultural values. This assessment involves both the candidate and current employees rating 40 distinct workplace values. 


Q: What is the Culture Profile?
A: The company's Culture Profile is developed by Prevue's proprietary algorithm, combining scores from various employees for a detailed view of an organization's culture. We recommend including insights from leadership and staff in a full picture of an organization’s culture. All Participants undertake the Culture-Fit Assessment, evaluating 40 workplace values using our science-based algorithm, which considers validation, accuracy measures, and forced-choice requirements. This multidimensional Profile serves as a benchmark for candidate alignment with your company's culture.


Q: What is the Culture-Fit Report?
A: The resulting Culture Fit report can identify areas of strong alignment (CultureMatch), or where the candidate can introduce new values (CultureAdd). This data-driven approach delivers valuable insights, quantifying the degree of fit through an overall CultureMatch versus CultureAdd percentage score. The Culture Fit Assessment allows companies to determine whether a prospective employee aligns with the organizational values or possesses unique values that could influence and shift the company culture.


Q: Who should take the Culture Fit Assessment within our company?
A: The Culture Fit Assessment is designed to be initially administered to your leadership team. Once the results are gathered and compiled into the Culture Profile Report, the assessment can then be extended to all staff members. It is best suited for employees who have a deep understanding of your organization’s day-to-day culture and are familiar with its values.


Q: How many leaders should take it?
A: While there isn't a specific number required, it's recommended that your leadership team represents a diverse cross-section of your organization. Including individuals from various departments ensures a more comprehensive and accurate representation of your company's culture.


Q: When should my company retake the Culture Assessement?
A: If your company undergoes significant changes like growth, reorganization, or leadership shift, we recommend reassessing to ensure the Culture Profile is accurately reflected.


Q: What if my company has multiple locations?
A: For companies with multiple locations, each with their own potentially unique culture, we recommend creating separate Culture Fit Profiles for each site. This approach ensures the assessment accurately captures the diverse cultures across your organization. 


Q: When should candidates take the culture assessement in the hiring process?
A: It's best to incorporate the Culture Assessment early in the hiring process, ideally after an initial screening but before final interviews. This timing allows you to evaluate a candidate’s alignment with your company’s culture before making significant investments in the hiring process, ensuring a better fit for both parties. We recommended sending the Job Fit assessment before the initial interview and then sending the Culture Fit assessment after the first interview.


Q: How many importance should I give to the Culture Fit assessment in the hiring process?
A: The Culture Fit Assessment should be considered an important factor in your hiring decisions, but not the sole measure. It's most effective when combined with the Job Fit Report and interviews, providing a holistic view of a candidate’s potential fit within your organization. The exact weight assigned can vary based on the role and your company's prioritization of cultural alignment.


Q: Can I use the Culture Assessment independent of other Prevue products?
A: Using the Culture Assessment by itself is not recommended. While it offers valuable insights into a candidate's alignment with your company's culture, it's best utilized as part of a comprehensive evaluation process alongside our Job Fit Report.

The Culture Assessment focuses on person-organization fit, evaluating how well a candidate's values and behavior align with your company's culture. This is crucial for long-term engagement, satisfaction and cultural cohesion.

Prevue’s Job Fit assesses person-job fit, examining whether a candidate's skills and personality align with the demands of the specific role they're applying for. This ensures they can effectively perform in their role.

Using both assessments together provides a well-rounded view of a candidate's fit within your company, considering both culture and job requirements. This dual approach leads to more informed hiring decisions, fostering a harmonious and productive work environment.


Q: Why does my Culture Profile show ___ number of top values?
A: The number of top values presented in your organization's Culture Profile stems from a comprehensive statistical analysis based on the responses from your employee raters. By aggregating data from all participants, we identify the most prominent values consistently evident across your workforce.

Factors such as the total number of participants and the diversity of their responses influence the variation in the number of top values. Our analytical approach aims to capture a true reflection of your organization's culture by identifying the core values that are most strongly held among your employees.

This method ensures that the Culture Fit Profile accurately represents the prevailing values within your company, providing a solid foundation for matching with potential, thus the number of top values may vary to best reflect the collective culture as indicated by your employees' input.


Q: What if we have our own values that we want in our organizations' Culture Profile?
A: We understand that every organization has its distinct set of values that shape its culture. Our Culture Assessment is based on a comprehensive list of 40 values, drawn from extensive research and literature, aiming to cover a wide range of organizational values.

While these values may not directly mirror the exact terminology used by your company, they are designed to align broadly with most, if not all, possible organizational values.

We encourage you to reach out to your Customer Success representative if you need help with aligning your organization’s values to those in the assessment.

Q: What if I know exactly which of the 40 values I want my organization's Culture Profile to show?
A: If you have a clear vision of the values you wish to emphasize in your organization's Culture Profile, one approach is to designate a single employee, who has a deep understanding of your culture, to complete the Culture Assessment. This individual's responses can serve as a benchmark for your desired culture profile.
This method allows you to tailor the Culture Profile to precisely reflect the values you deem most important for your organization. It's a strategic approach to align the profile with your organizational goals and cultural direction.
However, while this approach can align the profile with specific desired values, it’s important to consider the broader implications of basing the profile on a single perspective. The Culture Profile is intended to represent the collective values and culture of your entire organization. Engaging a diverse group of employees in the assessment provides a more comprehensive and inclusive view, ensuring the profile accurately reflects your workforce's overall culture and values.


Have more questions? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager who would be happy to assist.