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My candidate has an assessment error - How can I resolve it?

There are a few errors that may be present based upon the candidate's unique assessment experience. Here we discuss some of the most common errors, why they might appear, and how to resolve.


Error: "Uh oh! Something went wrong."


Why it might appear:
1. The candidate accidentally closed the assessment browser window.
2. The candidate experienced an intermittent loss of internet.
3. The candidate refreshed the assessment browser window.

How to resolve:
1. Provide your candidate with our Help Guide on our System Requirements and make sure all steps are taken before the new link is attempted - If not, the error will persist.
2. Send an email to support@prevuehr.com for additional assistance.

If the candidate still has an issue, have your candidate reach out to Prevue Support directly using our Prevue Assessment Support Form.


Error: Hmm, that's not quite right.


Why it might appear:
1. The candidate has browser extensions that conflict with the assessment.
2. The candidate's browser is out of date.
3. Javascript is not enabled.
4. The candidate has slow internet or high latency.

How to resolve:
1. Provide your candidate with our Help Guide on our System Requirements and make sure all steps are taken before the new link is attempted - If not, the error will persist.
2. Reset or revoke any interrupted or stuck sections using our Help Guide on How to Resend or Revoke Assessment Sections.
3. Resend the assessment to the candidate, thus giving them a fresh assessment.

If the candidate still has an issue, have your candidate reach out to Prevue Support directly using our Prevue Assessment Support Form.


Error: 404 - Oops! Page not found.


Why it might appear:
1. The candidate's assessment link was revoked.
2. The candidate's profile was deleted in PrevueHub.
3. The assessment link was not copied correctly.

How to resolve:
1. Ensure the candidate profile has not been deleted and the assessment has not been revoked. If it has, see our Help Guide on How to Invite People to Complete an Assessment using Quick Send Assessments.
2. Resend the candidate invitation email to ensure they have the correct link using our Help Guide on How to Resend or Revoke Assessment Sections.

If the candidate still has an issue, have your candidate reach out to Prevue Support directly using our Prevue Assessment Support Form.