How to Add a Person to a Position

Finding the perfect candidate for your Position is made easier when you add your candidate to a Position, allowing you to see their Suitability Score at a glance and providing improved organization for your hiring.

To use this function from the Candidates Tab:

  • Navigate to the Candidates tab
  • Select the ‘eye’ icon next to the Candidate’s name
  • Select ‘Positions’ from the left hand menu
  • Select ‘Add Position
  • Selected the desired Position from your list of available Positions using the box on the right hand side - If your desired Position is not listed here, please review that this candidate has completed all of the required assessment sections.
  • Select 'Add Selected'

To use this function from the Positions Tab:

  • Navigate to the Positions Tab
  • Select the 'eye' icon next to the Position
  • Ensure you are in 'Candidates' from the left hand menu
  • Select 'Add Candidate to Position'
  • Select either 'Select From Existing People' or 'Create New' - If selecting 'Create New', this will also send out the appropriate assessment for this Position
  • Select 'Add Person'
  • If adding someone who hasn't completed all of the necessary assessment sections, a prompt will appearing advising you that an assessment will be sent
  • Select 'Finish' or 'Send', depending on if the candidate has completed all of the required sections.

Your candidate is now linked to a Position.