How to Generate a Job-Fit Report

A notification will be delivered by email to you once the candidate has completed the assessment. You may click on the link in the email to view the default report, or you can log into PrevueHub and generate a report yourself.


STEP 1: Assess Candidates on PrevueHub

Click on the <People> menu item on the toolbar.


STEP 2: Select the Candidate You Would Like to Generate a Report For

A report can only be generated for completed assessments. In the People dashboard, find the candidate you want and check that the "Status" is marked as Completed – To do this, ensure all the Assessment Section Symbols are coloured in green.

If the Candidate is complete, click the check box to the left of their name. 


STEP 3: Generate a Report

With the check box selected, click <Generate Report> on the left panel.


STEP 4: Select Job-Fit Report

  • To run a job-fit report, select Hiring under the "What's the goal?" drop-down menu
  • In the list of reports related to Hiring, choose and select Job-Fit 
  • Select the Position that will be used in Comparison.
  • Click <Next>

STEP 5: Select the Information Needed to Generate the Report

  • Choose the Assessment Section(s) that will be used in the Report by either choosing our premade selections or my selecting your own by clicking the appropriate boxes within ‘Areas Covered’.
  • If multiple Candidate Reports are needed using the same Position, add more Candidates.
  • Under "Format", pick the sections that you want to show in the report. Choose Fullif you want all sections (Graph, Summary, Interview)to appear in the report
  • The report will default to English. Use the language drop-down menu to change the report language to Frenchor Spanish, if necessary  

STEP 7: Process the Request

Once you have verified that all the information is correct, click <Generate>. A report, or multiple reports, will be generated in a new tab on your web's browser. If you would like a printed copy of the report(s), click <Download PDF>.