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How to Manage High Variability in the Prevue Culture Profile

What to consider if you receive the "This profile was determined to have high variability and we recommend taking an additional step before being used for hiring" message in your Culture Profile Report.


Prevue's recommendation for building a Culture Profile consists of picking out a team and sending out a Culture Assessment to each of those members. This group typically consists of the leadership team that has visibility into multiple areas of the company. From their results, the Prevue algorithm compiles their Culture value selections into a singular Culture Profile. However, there may be times where the group has significantly different views, and as part of the calculation, we notify users through our Culture Profile report with the following warning under the section "Your Organization's Top Values":

This profile was determined to have high variability and we recommend taking an additional step before being used for hiring. 

So, what does this all mean? Once a Culture Profile is produced, if there are no warning messages, you are ready to use this Culture Profile as a basis for hiring. However, if you come across the above warning, here are three suggestions on what to do next:

1.    Reduce the size of the group – When a group is overly large, the quickest way to resolve the issue of variability is by including a smaller group. For example, if the group that was selected for building the profile included the executive team, departmental directors and managers, as well as sectional team leads, perhaps consider removing one of the layers.
2.    Break down into smaller groups – This is similar to the previous suggestion, but instead of removing members from the original group, it may be worthwhile to create new teams that consist of the sub-cultures within the company. An example of where this may be relevant would be in larger organizations where an individual department has their own space and has minimal interactions with other departments.
3.    Come together as a group – This is the best option to ensure that there is alignment between the participants. By bringing together the group and completing one Culture assessment together again (all while talking about their thoughts throughout the process), this will produce the most reliable method to making sure everyone is on the same page and removing all the variability.