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Best Practice for Prevue Culture Assessment for Hiring

Understand the best practices for implementing the Prevue Culture Assessment into your hiring practices.

The Culture Assessment for Hiring Decisions

X - Should not be the sole factor in hiring decisions - used alongside other assessments/interviews.

  • Balanced Evaluation: Culture is one important element; include assessments of job-related skills and competencies.
  • Role-Specific Weighting: The weight given to culture fit should be tailored to the role's requirements and the importance of cultural integration for success in the position.

✓ - Should be part of a comprehensive evaluation combined with job assessments.

  • Person-Organization Fit: The Culture Assessment evaluates how well a candidate’s values, beliefs, and behaviors align with the company's culture. This assessment is crucial for determining long-term engagement and satisfaction, contributing to a cohesive work environment.
  • Person-Job Fit: The Job-Fit Report focuses on the alignment between a candidate’s skills, experiences, and personality with the specific demands of the job. This helps to assess the candidate's ability to perform effectively in the role.

✓ - General recommendations for placement of assessment during the hiring process. 

  • After the first round of resume reviews, send out the Job-Fit assessment to the candidates who pass this initial screening
  • After interviewing those who are a good fit from the Job-Fit assessment, send out the Culture Assessment as a final step to
    assess person-organization fit.

Understanding Culture Match vs. Culture Add

Culture Match: The Culture Match score indicates alignment between a candidate’s values and the organization’s cultural values, helping identify if an individual will blend in smoothly with the company’s culture and work environment. 

When to Hire for Culture Match: 

  • The organization has a strong, positive culture that they wish to maintain.
  • The organization is focused on cohesion and immediate integration of new hires.

Best Practices:

  • Use the Culture Fit Assessment to ensure candidates' values align closely with the organization's top values as identified in the Culture Fit Profile.
  • Focus on hiring candidates with a high Culture Match Score (Scores of 60% or greater are considered a Culture Match).

Culture Add: The Culture Add score recognizes the values a candidate brings to complement and develop the organization's culture. It identifies individuals who can contribute different perspectives and foster potential growth. 

When to Hire for Culture Add:

  • The organization seeks to innovate or shift aspects of its current culture.
  • The organization aims to introduce diversity of thought and experiences to foster growth.

Best Practices:

  • Hire candidates who have a high Culture Add score to find candidates who offer unique attributes that support the strategic goals for cultural evolution.


When and How to Use the Scores

The Overall Score

The Overall Score is a snapshot of how well a candidate aligns with the current organizational culture (Match) and the potential to contribute new perspectives (Add).

  • High-Volume Hiring: Utilize Overall Match/Add Score to quickly filter candidates based on cultural alignment.
  • High Culture Match: Indicates that the candidate shares similar attitudes and beliefs, leading to better teamwork and overall success. Candidates aligned with the organization's values are more likely to experience satisfaction, increased productivity, and greater loyalty. This approach contributes to cultivating a positive work atmosphere and building an engaged and cohesive team.
  • Notable Culture Add: Signifies candidates who can introduce new values which may enhance organizational culture. This approach can foster innovation, encourage diverse thinking, and contribute to a dynamic workplace. If there are specific values the organization aspires to, a CultureAdd individual can propel the cultural shift, facilitating the transformation to align with the desired organizational culture.

The Category Score

The Category Scores rate 8 specific cultural categories (eg. Innovation, Performance)

  • Focused Hiring: Organizations seeking specific cultural competencies can utilize category scores to gauge alignment, providing nuanced insights into candidate fit with critical cultural aspects.
  • Utilize insights from category scores to develop targeted interview questions, probing deeper into areas of relevance to the role or cultural objectives.

The Value Score

The Value Score compares candidate preferences with organizational values on a more detailed level, providing insights into cultural alignment.

  • Delving into Specifics: When certain values are particularly pivotal to the organizational culture, individual value scores can guide in-depth evaluation.
    • Review the organization’s top values in the Culture Profile Report
    • Identify these values in the Culture-Fit Report and see where the candidate is a strong match with the organization’s top values.

Best Practices When Hiring for Top Values

Culture Match

1. Identify Top Values

  • Review the organization's Culture Profile Report to pinpoint defining values
  • Ensure clarity and consensus on these values as key to organization’s identity.

2. Match Values with Candidates

  • In the Culture-Fit Report, compare candidate ratings with the organization's averages for top values.
  • Prioritize candidates closely aligned with top values, ideally within one-point variance.

3. Consider Additional Crucial Values

  • Identify if there are any other values important to the organization, outside the top values identified in the Culture Profile Report.
  • Involve various teams in selecting these values, ensuring they represent organizational importance collectively.

Culture Add

1. Identify Desired Cultural Values

  • Determine which new values or perspectives the organization aims to integrate into its culture.
  • These should be values that complement but expand the existing cultural framework, supporting growth and innovation.
  • These values should be determined with input from different teams and not just the recruiter making decisions on who to interview.

2. Analyze Candidate Divergence

  • Refer to the Culture-Fit Report to identify the CultureAdd values and assess how candidates' ratings compare against the organization's average.
  • Prioritize candidates whose ratings closely align with the organization’s CultureAdd values.