What Prevue Assessments Measure

The Prevue Assessments examine abilities, motivations/interests, and personality with five assessments:


We use three assessments to measure specific abilities. When taken together, they provide a measure of general ability. Here’s how we examine someone’s potential for learning and reasoning:

  • Working with Words: This assessment measures verbal reasoning, which is an individual’s ability to understand and use words. Whether it’s understanding simple written instructions, reading workplace manuals or writing management reports, almost every role requires some level of verbal ability–and this is why verbal reasoning assessments are so popular.
  • Working with Numbers: This assessment measures numerical reasoning, which is an individual’s ability to understand and use numbers. Numerical reasoning assessments are used in hiring decisions where there’s a need to assess numeracy or an aptitude for data manipulation. This covers many clerical and administrative jobs, as well as those in the banking and financial services sectors.
  • Working with Shapes: This assessment measures spatial reasoning, which is a person’s ability to manipulate shapes or visualize objects in their mind. Many jobs involve tasks where you have to imagine how items or images can be organized or arranged within a particular space or area, and this test will give you a better picture of someone’s ability to paint a mental picture.
Occupational Interests

The Prevue Occupational Interests Assessment is designed to evaluate an individual’s likes and dislikes for different types of work. It’s not a measure of performance, but a measure of preference. Interests assessments are especially useful where an applicant doesn’t have prior work experience because they provide some understanding of an applicants interests and potential.

These tests are also used extensively in staff development and coaching situations. Interests assessments provide a means of exploring new options for people, suggesting areas of work that they might not have otherwise considered.

Personality Assessments

The Prevue Personality Assessments examine personality traits that identify someone’s preferred way of acting and thinking. An individual’s personality profile, like their ability profile, is a key influence on how they’ll perform at work. Knowing what to expect from an employee’s behavior is especially important in situations that involve interaction and cooperation with other people, like in managerial, supervisory, customer-oriented, or team-based roles and activities.

The Prevue Personality Assessments are designed to measure how a person fits the behavioral requirements of a particular job –or, if they’re already doing the job, to identify what they need for training and development.

From the candidate’s point of view, personality assessments help them to consider work that best suits their temperament, and what they’ll find more interesting and satisfying. The Prevue Personality Assessment is based on the ‘Big Five’ or ‘Five Factor Model’ of personality, which identifies the primary personality dimensions that underpin all observable behavior.